Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

I have been reading in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew is filled with wonderful truths and insights concerning Jesus and the Kingdom of God. I was excited when I read that God wants to whisper in my ear ...

"What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops" (Mat 10.27)

These are the words of Jesus Christ to His disciples some 2000 years ago. He was telling them that He would whisper truths in their ears that they were to proclaim from the housetops. As I was meditating on that verse, I turned it into a prayer for myself.

"God, whisper in my ear so I can proclaim your word to the world around me. What you share with me in the private of my own heart and mind I will declare in the light."

What will I declare? Reading further in Matthew I came across this verse. Jesus was speaking to the crowds in parables and the disciples asked Him why. He responded like this ...

Jesus answered them, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted" (Mat 13.11).

God has granted us to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven! I find that very exciting. Now I can pray and declare ...

"God I thank you that you have granted for me to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. Open up Your Word to me and whisper truths in my ear so that I may proclaim those truths from the housetops."

I believe God has called us to be sources of His light and life in the world. In order to do that we will need to know and understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. God is calling each one of us to be vessels who are wells of living water through which He can release the mysteries of His Kingdom into the world around us.

Shhh! Listen carefully for what God is saying, and then tell others.


  1. Amen. A faith building message for sure!

  2. Good Word Pastor! Your like a Fine wine that only improves with age. I still treasure those years in praying with you, Pastor Jim Mayer and Pastor Tim. Keep up the good Word.


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Pastor Gary's Favorite Quotes

"It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad."— Jimmy Buffett