Wednesday, November 7, 2012

COTRM News Alert: It is Finished!

Just before Jesus died while hanging on the cross he said, "It is finished!" Jesus had done what He had come to earth to do. He had fulfilled the Father's plans for His earthly life. Of course, that was not the end of the story. In three days he was resurrected from the dead. Praise God! He is Alive!

"It is finished" could also be applied to the elections. Their purpose is complete, the people have made their choices. Many of us are probably relieved. We do not need to listen to any more campaign ads on TV or phone calls soliciting our votes. Of course, this is not the end of the story. Barack Obama has been given another four years to govern our nation. Whether you voted for him or not, it is our duty and responsibility to pray for our president and all our government officials.

Putting aside party affiliations, my concern as a Pastor and as Christian is the spiritual and moral condition of our country. Many of our elected leaders are in favor of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, including partial birth abortion, redefining marriage to include same sex couples, attacks against our religious freedoms, dishonor towards the nation of Israel, and a belief that big government can fix the problems our society faces.  Any one of these is a serious problem, taken together they speak of the incredible moral and spiritual decline our nation has experienced over the last decade.

As I have mentioned several times recently, regardless of who would win the election, God is still on His throne. His purposes will not be thwarted by man or any nation. He is still sovereign over this incredible creation and over the affairs of men. We can turn the difficulties we face as a nation into opportunities to proclaim the goodness, greatness, and the incredible love of our God, to a world that has forgotten who He is.

Can God heal our nation? Yes! It is time to pray more than ever. Let me encourage you, not only to develop a disciplined personal prayer life, but make time in your schedule to join your brothers and sisters for times of corporate prayer. There is much power released when the church gathers together to pray. At COTRM we offer a number of different prayer opportunities and are looking towards opening more. Our current prayer opportunities are listed later in this email.

May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

1 comment:

  1. Well said and very encouraging. We just keep holding the banner high and pressing through the muck and the mire. God is in control even when we feel and see that everything is out of control.


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Pastor Gary's Favorite Quotes

"It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad."— Jimmy Buffett