Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Difficult Times, Great Opportunities

As I read the news and talk to people, it is not hard to see that these are very serious days in which we live. In fact the Bible warns us that there will be difficult times at the 'last days.'

"But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come" (2 Tim 3.1).

The word 'difficult' in the Greek means troublesome, harsh, fierce, violent. As you look at events happening in our nation, as well as around the world, there are some very serious situations that we are facing.  However, where sin abounds, grace abounds even more (Rom 5.20). As it says in 1 Pet 1.3, we have been "born again to a living hope through the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ." Even in the middle of great difficulty we can take hope in God that His great purposes are going to be accomplished in our lives, in our nation, and in the world.

At our Ministry Team meeting last night I asked the team what impressions they had from the Lord that we as believers and as a church need to be aware of so we can be prepared for the days ahead. Below are some of their thoughts:

1. God is calling His people into deeper prayer
He is also calling us into a deeper understanding and reliance on the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our times of prayer. For those who can pray in tongues, this is a much under-used gift that will enable us to pray under the anointing and leading of the Holy Spirit. The church must learn how to give itself to prayer both privately and corporately.

2. Pray for the nation of Israel
The situation in the Middle East is very serious. Israel is surrounded by enemies who are very vocal about the destruction of Israel. Pray for the "peace of Jerusalem" (Psa 122.6). Ultimately the peace that the Jewish people need is an encounter with the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Pray for Christians in the United States and around the world
There is a great increase in hostility towards Christians, not just in Arab countries, but in the United States as well. Even our own government is continuing to adopt polices that are not friendly towards people of Christian faith.

4. Finish up your 'stuff"
There is the sense that God is calling us to complete our current assignment, because He is getting ready to release new assignments. What is it that God is calling us to do? Are we listening for His voice and responding to His call? God has great things for His people to accomplish in the days ahead.

As I have mentioned in my last two sermons, God has gone to great lengths to initiate conversation with His people and to reveal Himself to us. These are difficult days, but also days of great opportunity for those who are willing to make themselves available to God for His divine purposes.

Learn to direct your prayers towards the larger purposes of God, and you will see Him take care of your specific needs.

We serve a great and awesome God,
Pastor Gary


  1. Peace in the midst of chaos. Great Word and very refreshing to hear a positive perspective on these turbulent times. I believe that in the midst of the madness, we will experience revival and awakening. A refreshing!!

  2. There are many great days ahead for the people of God. There may be some challenges we will need to press through, but we serve a faithful God. That which is not possible with man is possible with God.


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Pastor Gary's Favorite Quotes

"It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad."— Jimmy Buffett