Monday is Valentines Day. Love is in the air...for the moment. I have to be honest with you. Valentines Day doesn’t do much for me, but not for the typical guy reasons you may think. Don’t get me wrong. I’m going to take Rachel out to dinner and we’ll have a great time. But there is really nothing special about it because I always want to spend time with Rachel. It’s just as special when we get a free Saturday to go to breakfast together. The day isn’t special, Rachel is. I would never be satisfied with just special days or date nights. I like just having her around, a lot.
I’ve been praying lately that I would follow Jesus more because I’m captivated by Him than out of a sense of religious duty. I’m not sure how I’m doing, but I can tell you this. I’m not satisfied with Sundays and an occasional prayer meeting. What a great prayer, “Jesus, satisfy my deepest desires.” And the beautiful thing is that He could answer it every time I prayed it, and I could still pray it the next day. That’s why love is so much stronger than duty or obligation. Love is never satisfied.
What is so wonderful is that we have forever to satisfy our love for Him. This is just the appetizer.